Thursday, May 28, 2009

Time. Precious Time.

It's still baffling to me that I stay up so late. Every single morning I roll out of bed begrudgingly and think, "today is the day I am going to bed early." Do you do this too? And then, it's 11pm before I even turn off my darn computer. Why is that? What do I do at night that's so important?

I check email. But I do that all day.
I pay bills.
I pack lunches.
I re-print my To-Do list because that is who I am. Yes, it is in Microsoft Word.
I do not watch TV anymore, I don't feel like I have time!
But recently, the most time consuming thing I do is read blogs. I am addicted. Mostly to friends' blogs, but especially to this one:
Honestly, I don't even know this wonderful lady, her husband, or her four kids. But I love her blog. To me, it is the TV show I am missing.

Maybe I need to get a life.


Tonight, computer off at 10pm, darn it!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spectacle Bear

Can you say "Spectacle Bear?" I can, and my kids can, because Diego can. Ahh, Diego. What would we do without you? Well, I'd be a little bit more sane.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Keeping up...

Blogging.  I guess it's the thing to do.  When I was in college, I got a tattoo since my roommate's looked so cool.  Then a couple years later I had my belly button pierced (ouch!) since it was in style.

Skydiving was next, after college.  (That's me on the right.)

Then there was the whole marriage thing,

the kids thing,

and now I am officially a Blogger!